Inlays & Onlays

Inlays and Onlays in Bolton, ON

When tooth decay has developed, it can easily erode a tooth. A large cavity may form in the middle of it, or decay can weaken the tooth so much that it ends up breaking. In these cases, dental inlays and onlays are often the best options for restoring the affected tooth.

Process of Adding Inlays and Onlays to Teeth

To determine the best way to salvage a tooth damaged from tooth decay, the dental staff at South Hill Dental will take a set of x-rays. Then, one of our dentist in Bolton, ON, will evaluate the x-rays and examine your tooth to find the areas of decay. The dentist may recommend an inlay or onlay for preserving the tooth.

After getting your approval, the dentist will start drilling the area to clean out the bacteria within the tooth and surrounding areas. They will use dental putty to mold an impression of the tooth and send it to the dental laboratory along with an order for the inlay or onlay. The dentist will add a temporary filling or cover on your tooth.

Placing the Inlay or Onlay

The materials that laboratories use for making these dental pieces include:

  • Metals
  • Porcelain
  • Composite resins

These materials are durable so that the restorative pieces may last up to 20 years or more with proper care. Then, on your next appointment, our dentist at South Hill Dental will use their knowledge to choose the best adhesive to bond the pieces to your tooth. They may use a curing light to harden the cement.

Once the adhesive has cured, you can use the tooth as you normally would. You can eat, drink, and speak with confidence because inlays and onlays are durable and look like natural teeth, so most people won’t know you’ve had dental work.

With this type of restoration, you can brush and floss the tooth like you do your natural ones and still eat the foods you love at home or your favorite restaurants in Bolton, ON. You can also feel confident in letting yourself show your beautiful smile.

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