Does Your Decayed or Damaged Tooth Make You Proud: If Not Cover Them with Dental Crowns
Decayed and a damaged tooth will likely not instill pride in you but undoubtedly causes embarrassment giving everyone the impression that you don’t care for your dental health. The imperfections also impact your smile, leaving you searching for a remedy to correct the situation. You may think it is challenging to restore decayed and damaged teeth, but if you visit the dentist in Bolton, Caledon, ON, we are confident you will change your thinking.
The South Hill dentist, a provider of dental crowns, offers you a solution to hide the decay and damages in your mouth with a long-term solution lasting for over a decade. Would you please not assume getting dental crowns over your teeth is a comfortable procedure because it isn’t? However, you will likely not feel any discomfort when getting dental restorations to improve the appearance of your smile and your mouth’s functionality.
What Are Dental Crowns?
Crowns are dental caps created by skilled lab technicians to encase your damaged tooth entirely. Different materials help make dental crowns giving them the strength, durability, and aesthetic appearance to help cover damaged teeth.
When Are Dental Crowns Beneficial for Your Teeth?
Dental crowns in Bolton, ON, are beneficial if you want to protect a weak tooth from breaking or keep it together if it is already cracked, restore a broken tooth or one severely worn, cover teeth with large fillings and without sufficient tooth structure remaining, cover a severely discolored tooth for cosmetic reasons or support a tooth after root canal treatment.
If you have lost a single tooth and are considering dental implants rest assured a tooth crown is placed over the titanium post to function as your artificial tooth. Dental crowns are also beneficial for holding a dental bridge in position.
Which Materials Help Make Dental Crowns?
Various materials like metals, porcelain fused to metal, all resin, all-ceramic or all-porcelain, and pressed ceramic help make dental crowns suitable for you. For example, if you need a front tooth crown because damaged teeth impact your smile, you can have one customized from porcelain matching the color of your natural teeth. At the same time, you can have a porcelain crown fused to metal over your molars if you want to cause a tooth that has undergone root canal therapy.
Preparing Your Teeth for the Dental Crown
Preparing your teeth for dental crowns requires a couple of appointments with the Bolton dentist. The first visit is to examine your tooth needing the crown and for preparation. Filing the tooth from the top and sides is required depending on the crown you have selected. For example, if you wish to have a gold crown tooth, you don’t require significant tooth structure removal because metal crowns are thinner.
After preparing your tooth, impressions of it are taken by the dentist for the dental laboratory to customize your crown. Dental labs require approximately three weeks for the customization, after which you must revisit the dentist for having the restoration over your tooth. In the meanwhile, you receive temporary crowns to ensure protection for your prepared tooth.
When you revisit the dentist after three weeks to place the permanent crown, the dentist first removes the temporary placements. The color and fit of the permanent restoration are verified for the suitability, and local anesthesia is administered (if required) to place the restoration over the prepared tooth.
You can even have same-day crowns made from ceramic, eliminating the need for temporary crowns or multiple visits because dentists use CAD/CAM technology to immediately take images of your tooth after preparation to create the dental crown within the dental office. The entire procedure is accomplished in approximately three to four hours, leaving you free to attend to your regular activities with a smile on your face.
How to Care for Your Crowned Tooth?
Your crowned teeth don’t need special attention. However, it helps if you understand the underlying tooth requires protection from tooth decay and gum disease. Therefore you must continue following good oral hygiene practices, including brushing your teeth twice daily, flossing at least once around the crown area where your gums meet your tooth. In addition, you must avoid biting on complex foods, especially with porcelain crowns, to avoid damaging them. With proper dental hygiene, regular dental visits, and the precautions suggested, you can have your dental crowns for over a decade and continue enjoying your smile without hindrance.