Explaining the Tooth Extraction Procedure

Explaining the Tooth Extraction Procedure

Jan 01, 2021

Everyone wants to keep their teeth for life. Unfortunately, some circumstances compel them to have their teeth removed. What are the events that call for a tooth extraction? Continue reading to understand some situations when tooth removal becomes necessary.

Injuries to the tooth and its periodontal ligament, alveolar bone, and the gums beside the soft tissues surrounding may require tooth extractions. Excessive dental infections causing damage to the tooth or periodontal disease rendering the tooth dead are an irreparable dental disease needing tooth removal. Dentists attempt to preserve the tooth with a dental crown placement or root canal procedure. However, if the tooth is beyond saving, extraction is recommended.

Many people have an inconsistency between the tooth and jaw size resulting in misalignment of a row of teeth because of larger teeth and smaller jaws. In such cases, patients can request dental extractions.

Dentists will do everything possible to preserve a tooth and only recommend extractions if restoration is not possible or the tooth causes pain, like wisdom teeth removal. The procedure for extracting a tooth depends on the patient’s condition and the specific situation.

The Tooth Extraction Procedure

A visible tooth is extracted in a simple extraction. The Bolton dentist loosens the tooth with instruments called elevators before using forceps to remove it.

A surgical extraction becomes necessary if the tooth has not emerged in the mouth or is broken at the gum line. In a surgical procedure, tooth extractions in Bolton, ON, make a small incision in the gums to remove the impacted bone or broken tooth.

Whether it is a simple surgical extraction, the principles of tooth extractions remain the same. The dentist begins by numbing your tooth with an anesthetic shot to the gums and bone tissue surrounding the tooth. You are unlikely to feel any pain when the anesthesia is administered because a topical numbing medication is applied to the gums before inserting the needle. The dentist ensures the tooth and the surrounding areas are numbed because it is an essential step before tooth removal.

What Do You Experience during Tooth Extraction?

You will not experience any pain during tooth extraction because of pain transmitters are numbed. Should you feel any pain, you can inform your dentist about it. However, you must be honest with what you are feeling during the process. Exaggerating the feeling of pain can encourage your dentist to give you additional anesthesia quantities, which may put you at risk of medical complications.

You will undoubtedly feel some pressure when the dentist rocks your tooth, but the pressure is not painful and does not affect your nerves. You are unlikely to hear any noises besides a creaking sound during tooth removal. The sound comes from the tooth and the socket, which are hard tissues and is quite normal.

Filling the Vacant Space from Tooth Removal

Tooth removal leaves the socket open, and the dentist adopts steps to close the socket. They are:

  • The dentist will remove any pathologic tissue or infections by scraping the socket walls. The socket is compressed by using the finger to put it back into its original size.
  • Any sharp bone edges are rounded by the dentist, who will also evaluate the socket for sinus complications.
  • The dentist cleans the socket to eliminate any tooth fragment or loose bone.
  • The dentist places a gauze pad to inhibit bleeding from the socket.
  • You can expect the dentist to suture the extraction site if several teeth in a row are removed in surgical extraction.

Recovery after Tooth Extraction

After tooth removal, you will need some time to recover, which is usually a few days. During the healing process, you must reduce any risks of infections, minimize discomfort, and do everything possible to speed up recovery. You can use the following tips to help in the recovery process:

  • Bite down gently and firmly on the gauze pad placed by the dentist to encourage a blood clot formation in your mouth.
  • Take any painkillers prescribed according to instructions.
  • Relax for at least 24 hours without indulging in any strenuous activity.
  • Please stay away from smoking because it can hamper healing.
  • When brushing and flossing, your teeth exercise caution to avoid the extraction site.
  • The day after the extraction, start having soft foods. Reintroduce your regular diet only after the extraction site heals.

You experience some pain after the anesthesia wears off, but if you are in severe discomfort, you can always call your dentist for advice. Most dentists use minimally invasive methods to remove teeth, and the procedure is not at all enjoyable. However, if required, it is for the benefit of your oral health and a necessity.

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